Student Support Officers
Contact Details
Sarah Cesare Sarah.Cesare2@det.nsw.edu.au Work Days: Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri
Madeline Powell Madeline.Powell3@det.nsw.edu.au Work Days: Wed Morning/Thurs/Fri
Student Support Officers (SSOs) work within the school community in partnership with the learning and support team and school counselling service to enhance student social and emotional wellbeing and learning outcomes.
Sarah Cesare & Madeline Powell work together as our Wellbeing Team at Hunter Sports High School, with Madeline as the SSO and Sarah offering support in the Wellbeing Hub. Madeline & Sarah can be found in the Wellbeing Hub (UR1028). The Wellbeing Hub operates via an informal referral system. The open-door policy means students can self-refer or staff and parents can refer via email if a student would like to speak with an SSO.
Student Support Officers support the implementation of the whole-of-school approach to wellbeing with a focus on early intervention. They assist secondary school-aged students develop social and emotional skills through strength-based programs and strategies that build resilience, coping skills and positive relationships. SSOs provide individual and targeted wellbeing support and whole of school wellbeing initiatives aimed to:
- Improve the wellbeing, resilience and pro-social behaviours of students by working in partnership with the wellbeing team and the school counselling service to prioritise and deliver individual, small group, and whole-school evidence-based programs and strategies
- Facilitate student referrals to external providers by establishing and maintaining referral pathways with appropriate local services.
- Enhance student learning and wellbeing outcomes by identifying and establishing support networks for students with staff, the school community, and locally-based government services and community agencies.
- Support transition, between schools and post-school enrolments by working with transition coordinators and external providers.
- Support data collection processes to evaluate and feedback on school-based wellbeing programs and strategies.
- Support the implementation of departmental student wellbeing priorities, whole-school wellbeing programs and build positive community relationships.
In addition, our SSOs also:
- Coordinate Breakfast Club on Tuesday and Friday mornings
- Offer scholarship application support and advice
- Coordinate the Peer Support Program
- Provide food and hygiene products as needed
- Have second-hand uniforms available for loan
External Support Links
Emergency support Dial Triple Zero (000) urgently if you or someone else is in immediate danger, or if you are concerned for your safety in any way.
There are many telephone, online counselling and crisis services available. These services allow you to access immediate support, at any time of day or night. You can get support without having to wait for an appointment or when it’s difficult to access your regular healthcare provider.
Kids Helpline
- 1800 55 1800
- https://kidshelpline.com.au/
E Headspace
- 1800 650 890
- https://headspace.org.au/online-and-phone-support/
- 13 11 14
- https://www.lifeline.org.au/
Mental Health Line
- 1800 737 732
- https://www.1800respect.org.au/