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Hunter Sports High School

Hunter Sports High School

Personalising Pathways

Telephone02 4943 5755

Sports Academy

Sports Academy – Years 7 to 12 (13 Sports)

Students participating in the Sports Academy undertake specialised development programs in their chosen sport during school time (8 sessions a fortnight). This is integrated with a full academic curriculum which caters for the special needs of the talented athlete.

Our Sport Academy ensures our students have access to the most up to date and innovative high-performance training schedules and assessments. Through the Sports High Schools Association, we have formalised elite performance pathways with relevant state sporting and national sporting organisations including recognition as an Olympic Pathway School endorsed by the Australian Olympic Committee.

All students have personalised training plans and have access to Hunter Sports High’s Strength and Conditioning (S & C) program either during elective classes or before and/or after school. Our S & C programs focus on developing stronger and more robust youth athletes who will be better prepared to learn complex movements, master sport tactics, and sustain the demands of training and competition. Training prescription is based on an appropriate progression according to training age, motor skill competency, technical proficiency and existing strength levels whilst also taking into consideration the biological age and psychosocial maturity level of the athlete.