The GEM Academy has seven classes designed to support students with a range of diagnosed disabilities, including mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, autism, mental health, physical and language disorders. Our inclusive classes include students from different year levels and abilities, fostering a diverse learning environment. Students are encouraged to participate in whole-school sports and have the opportunity to join mainstream classes if they are keen and interested. Together with families, we collaborate to create Individual Education/Pathway Plans, focusing on each student's unique goals, interests, and passions.
Learning is mapped to Life Skills outcomes across all programs delivered in the GEM Academy. Our students also engage in a range of subjects taught by specialist teachers, such as Science, Music, Visual Arts, PDHPE, and Food Technology.
The GEM Academy Experience
● To offer every student an engaging curriculum and personalised pathway that addresses their academic, behavioural, social, and emotional needs.
● To foster an environment where each student can thrive, succeed, be challenged, and grow into positive and contributing members of society.
● To help students develop critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills, and to apply these abilities both in school and the broader community, including during work experience.
Classes at Hunter Sports High School include:
● Mild Intellectual Disability (IM) - 1 class
● Moderate Intellectual Disability (IO) - 1 class
● Autism (AU) - 1 class
● Multi-categorical (MC) - 2 classes
● Emotionally Disturbed (ED) - 2 classes
Students gain a place into the GEM Academy via an external panel process.
Programs delivered across the GEM Academy: