The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
The Mathematics Faculty at Hunter Sports High School aims to develop students' mathematical thinking, understanding, competence and confidence in the application of mathematics; their creativity, enjoyment and appreciation of the subject; and their engagement in lifelong learning.
Staffed by experienced and enthusiastic teachers, the faculty also has a whole school responsibility for promoting numeracy. This involves preparing students for their NAPLAN numeracy tests in Years 7 & 9, and working collaboratively with partner primary schools in the Waiyarang Community on numeracy initiatives and transition activities.
All Hunter Sports High students have access to the Education Perfect online learning platform and the program is available for students to use both at school and at home. Students should consult with their class teachers about login and password information.
Homework is assigned by class teachers and may include a variety of Education Perfect tasks, textbook tasks, worksheets or project-based learning tasks.
By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.
The syllabus consists of the following strands:
- number and algebra
- measurement and geometry
- statistics and probability.
Year 9 students will have the option of studying the Maths in Trades Pathway (MITP) when it is introduced at Hunter Sports High in 2020. MITP is an initiative of the Apprenticeship Engegement Forum and it aims to:
- Ensure students can achieve workplace numeracy requirements as required in the Australian Core Skills Framework.
- Ensure students achieve all Stage 5.1 outcomes and some Stage 5.2 outcomes in the current NSW K-10 mathematics syllabus.
- Ensure students achieve all necessary Stage 6 Mathematics Standard preliminary outcomes through the Mathematics in Trades Pathway.
- Support students to ensure they are confident, capable and successful apprentices with proficient and practical numeracy skills.
In Year 11 and 12, the study of mathematics is optional. Courses offered include:
- Mathematics Extension 2 (Year 12 only)
- Mathematics Extension 1
- Mathematics Advanced
- Mathematics Standard 2
- Mathematics Standard 1 (Optional HSC examination)
- Mathematics Life Skills.