In Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) students engage in a diverse range of practical experiences and develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary and advancing technologies. They develop solutions to identified problems and situations and explore the impact of technologies on the individual, society and the environment.
TAS is mandatory for all students in Stage 4 (Year 7 & 8) through the Technology Mandatory Year 7 & 8 Syllabus. Students then have the opportunity to select from a range of elective TAS subjects in Stages 5 & 6.
The continuum of technology learning is:
- based on students becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to design and produce solutions for authentic needs and opportunities
- An option for students in secondary school through a range of syllabuses addressing particular technologies and aspects of design
The TAS staff at Hunter Sports High School are multi-skilled professionals providing students with a diverse selection of technology courses from Year 7 to Year 12. Subjects on offer in the TAS Faculty are:
- Technology (Mandatory) - Students in NSW public schools complete a mandatory technology course in Years 7 & 8.
- Industrial Technology Metal (Stage 5)
- Industrial Technology Engineering (Stage 5)
- Industrial Technology Timber (Stage 5 & 6)
- Food Technology (Stage 5 & 6)
Stage 4 (Years 7 & 8)
Technology Mandatory engages students in design and production activities as they develop solutions to identified needs and opportunities. Through the practical application of knowledge and understanding, they learn about Agriculture and Food Technologies, Digital Technologies, Engineered Systems and Material Technologies.
At Hunter Sports High School, students study the following courses:
Year 7:
- Digital Technologies (semester course)
- Material Technologies (semester course)
- Agriculture and Food Technologies (semester course)
- The Engineered Systems - CO2 car (semester course)
Stage 5 (Years 9 & 10)
Through the study of technology courses, students engage in a diverse range of practical experiences and develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary and advancing technologies. They develop solutions to identified problems and situations and explore the impact of technologies on the individual, society and the environment. Students can choose electives in Stage 5. The TAS Faculty offers the following electives:
- Design and Technology
- Food Technology
- Industrial Technology Metal
- Industrial Technology Timber
- Industrial Technology Engineering
Stage 6 (Years 11 & 12)
The TAS Faculty offers both Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Board Developed Courses. It is most important that Stage 6 students be well informed and aware of various learning pathways available to them in this stage.
Board Developed Courses include:
- Design & Technology
- Food Technology
- Timber Products and Furniture Technologies
- Construction (Cert II in Construction Pathways)
- Furniture Making (Cert II in Furniture Making Pathways)
- Hospitality Food & Beverage (Cert II in Hospitality
- Manufacturing and Engineering (Cert II in Engineering & Cert II in Engineering Pathways)
Please be aware that all elective subjects are practical-based and require a course fee to be paid by students for materials used in practical experiences. To comply with DEC work health and safety policies and regulations, the wearing of solid leather footwear is mandatory in practical work areas.