Hunter Sports High School

Personalising Pathways

Telephone02 4943 5755

T2 Academy

Transition 2 (T2) Academy - Years 10, 11 and 12 (non-HSC pathway)

‘T2’ is a program of study that selected students in Years 10, 11 or 12 will follow as they transition through school and onto further training or the workforce. The program provides students with adult mentors and real-world authentic experiences. The Academy has a focus on developing students employability skills as well as literacy and numeracy. All students are supported to graduate with a Certificate 3 or 4, or continue their education via TAFE, a traineeship or apprenticeship. Students are not eligible for a ROSA or an HSC in this pathway.

Students are assessed against forty-two outcomes. Seven Essential skills – Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Literacy, Numeracy, Self-Directed/Organisational Skills. Six components of each skill – Advisory, Internship, Internship Planning and Reflection, Project Development, Portfolio and Exhibition