Hunter Sports High School

Personalising Pathways

Telephone02 4943 5755

Rewards System

Hunter Sports High School's reward system is aligned with Positive Behaviour for Learning and is designed to encourage and recognise individual student efforts. Our reward system is used to encourage positive student behaviour that demonstrates the values of respect, responsibility and success. Students are rewarded through the use of Star Awards and a commendation system.


Star Awards

These awards are given frequently to students for any behaviour that exhibits Hunter Sports High's expectations of respect, responsibility and success. Students place their awards in the relevant year group box at Student Services and one award is randomly picked from each year group each week. The winner will receive a nominal prize (a gift voucher etc.) in recognition of their positive behaviour.


Faculty Commendations

Faculty commendations are given out to students for the following:

  • Outstanding student work in class, with assignments or examinations
  • Good deeds that stand out and incorporate the expectations of respect, responsibility & success
  • School representation
  • Sport representation or achievement
  • Cultural achievement or participation


Gold, Silver & Bronze Awards

Students build up their commendations, which can happen over consecutive years, to achieve the following award levels:

  • 5 Commendations = Bronze Award
  • 3 Bronze Awards = Silver Award
  • 3 Silver Awards = Gold Award