In human society and its environment (HSIE), both subjects of history and geography are mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
Students learn specific historical and geographical concepts and skills in history and geography. They also have an opportunity to learn more about people and the societies and environments in which they live through elective subjects in Years 7 to 10 (Stages 4 to 5).
A large number of individual subjects make up the key learning area of HSIE in which students:
- research, gather and analyse information
- question and make judgements
- write for a variety of purposes.
The Hunter Sports High HSIE faculty boasts a large subject range. The following is an outline of the curriculum taught and offered:
Geography (Years 7-10): Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. It is a rich and complex discipline that integrates knowledge from natural sciences, social sciences and humanities to build a holistic understanding of the world. Students learn to question why the world is the way it is, reflect on their relationships with and responsibilities for the world and propose actions designed to shape a socially just and sustainable future.
Geography (Years 11-12): Geography is an investigation of the world which provides and accurate description and interpretation of the varied character of the earth and its people. It is a key discipline through which students develop the ability to recognise and understand environmental change and the interactions which take place in our world. Geographers investigate the opportunities for human activities, the constraints placed upon them and the impacts of these activities. The study of Geography allows students to perceive the world in a variety of ways and helps them make sense of a complex and changing world.
History (Years 7-10): History is a disciplined process of inquiry into the past that helps to explain how people, events and forces from the past have shaped our world. It allows students to locate and understand themselves and others in the continuum of human experience up to the present. History provides opportunities for students to explore human actions and achievements in a range of historical contexts. Students become aware that history is all around us and that historical information may be drawn from the physical remains of the past as well as written, visual and oral sources of evidence.
Modern History: The study of Modern History engages students in an investigation of the forces that have shaped the world, based on the analysis and interpretation of sources. It offers students the opportunity to investigate the possible motivations and actions of individuals and groups, and how they have shaped the world politically, culturally, economically and socially. Modern History stimulates students' curiosity and imagination, and enriches their appreciation of humanity by introducing them to a range of historical developments and experiences that have defined the modern world.
Ancient History: The study of Ancient History engages students in an investigation of life in early societies based on the analysis and interpretation of physical and written remains. It offers students the opportunity to investigate the possible motivations and actions of individuals and groups, and how they shaped the political, social, economic and cultural landscapes of the ancient world. Ancient History stimulates students' curiosity and imagination and enriches their appreciation of humanity by introducing them to a range of cultures and beliefs as well as to the origins and influences of ideas, values and behaviours that are still relevant in the modern world. The investigation of the ancient past develops students' appreciation of the diversity of ancient societies and the longevity of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Aboriginal Studies: Aboriginal Studies is designed to foster intellectual, social and moral development by enabling students to think critically about the historical and contemporary experiences of Aboriginal peoples. Through this study students will develop a heightened understanding and appreciation of the concepts of social justice and shared histories, and will critically examine their role as active and informed citizens. Aboriginal Studies is a unique experience for both Aboriginal students and non-Aboriginal students. Aboriginal students are provided with an opportunity for cultural affirmation and positive educational experiences while non-Aboriginal students are able to 'learn together' with Aboriginal peoples and communities. All students are encouraged to take an active role in the process of reconciliation.
Commerce: Commerce is offered as an elective in Years 9 & 10. The aim of the course is to enable young people to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to research and develop solutions to consumer, financial, legal, business and employment issues. The course develops students' ability to make informed and responsible decisions as individuals and as part of the community. A range of elective topics are studied including law and society, consumer choice and personal finance.
Business Studies: Business Studies in Years 11-12 investigates the role, operation and management of businesses within our society. Factors in the establishment, operation and management of a small business are integral to this course. Students investigate the role of global business and its impact on Australian business. Students develop research and independent learning skills in addition to analytical and problem-solving competencies through their studies. The four key areas of a business are studied in Year 12 - operations, financial, marketing and human resources.
Retail Studies: VET Retail is based on units of competency which have been drawn up by the retail industry to describe the competencies, skills and knowledge needed by workers in the industry. The course is aimed at students who wish to work in the retail industry, either as a long-term career or in part-time or temporary retail jobs.
Legal Studies: Legal Studies in Years 11-12 develops students' knowledge and understanding of the nature and functions of law and law-making, the development of Australian and international legal systems, the Australian constitution, and the role of the individual. This is achieved by investigating, analysing and synthesising legal information and investigating legal issues from a variety of perspectives. Crime, human rights, family and consumer law is a focus of interest in Year 12.
Society & Culture: Society & Culture in Years 11-12 develops knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes essential to an appreciation of the social world. How the interaction of persons, society, culture, environment and time shape human behaviour is a central theme of study. Students develop an understanding of research methodologies and undertake research in an area of particular interest to them.
Work Studies: Work Studies can give you a better knowledge and understanding of work, the work environment and skills for employment, knowledge and understanding of employment options, career management, life planning and further education and training skills for success in the workplace, skills in critically assessing personal and social influences on individuals and groups.