Hunter Sports High School

Personalising Pathways

Telephone02 4943 5755

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

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address Awabakal Country
Pacific Highway
Gateshead NSW 2290

telephone 02 4943 5755 02 4943 5755

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Vocational Education and Training

VET Courses (Construction, Hospitality, Metals & Engineering):  

  • VET Certificate II Sports Coaching (This is a Board endorsed course. Completion will see students achieve a qualification - Certificate II - in sports coaching)
  • VET Certificate III in Fitness
  • VET Certificate in Construction
  • VET Certificate in Hospitaility
  • VET Certificate in Metals and Engineering

The Curriculum Framework in each of the above VET courses are designed to enable students to acquire a range of technical, practical, personal and organisational skills valued both within and beyond the workplace. They will also acquire underpinning knowledge and skills related to work, employment and further training within each of the industries. Through the study of this subject, students will gain experiences that can be applied to a range of contexts, including work, study and leisure an that will assist them to make informed career choices.

The inclusion of these courses in the HSC, based on industry-recognised AQF VET qualifications, will allow students to access both long-term and short-term employment opportunities. The courses also provide an optional HSC examination, which allows results from the 240 indicative hours courses to contribute to the calculation of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). 

It is a mandatory requirement for students to complete 35 hours of work placement in both Year 11 and Year 12 of these VET courses.

Please be aware that all elective subjects are practically-based and require a small charge to be paid by students for materials used in practical experiences. To comply with DEC work health and safety policies and regulations, the wearing of solid leather footwear is mandatory in practical work areas.