With 22 per cent of Hunter Sports High School students from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background, our school enjoys a strong reputation for providing a supportive environment and a close partnership with the local Minimbah Aboriginal Education Group has enhanced our inclusive programs in Aboriginal culture. Hunter Sports High's Aboriginal Education programs support our commitment to providing exemplary educational outcomes for every student.
Hunter Sports High continues a strong tradition of raising awareness of and commemorating significant dates on the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander calendar including the Anniversary of the Apology, Close the Gap, Harmony Day, Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC Week and Sorry Day.
Staff members continually expand their knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal culture by engaging in professional learning opportunities including programs such as Stronger Smarter, Connecting to Country and Brospeak/Sistaspeak.
Hunter Sports High School is an active and willing participant in local AECG meetings and seeks AECG representation on selection panels and major assemblies. In addition we conduct regular Junior AECG meetings, providing a strong voice for our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students. These meetings provide additional leadership opportunities for Aboriginal students. As part of their role, students report at local AECG meetings, further increasing the connections between the school and the community.
Our Minimbah Parent and Community meetings provide another forum for our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander community while our Minimbah team of more than twenty staff work tirelessly to complete Personlised Learning Plans for all Aboriginal students (including access to tutoring), conduct enrichment and support programs, and celebrate our students at the annual Minimbah Celebration Night which showcases Aboriginal student endeavour.
Our school's Minimbah Room is a cultural hub for the school and is home base for the Aboriginal Education Team. An Aboriginal Education Officer liaises with the Aboriginal Education team whose members comprise teaching staff and School Learning Support Officers (SLSO). The SLSOs provide direct support in the classroom, regular connection with parents and carers, support the development of the Personalised Learning Pathways process, and communicate with staff to support student learning. The school also employs two Youth Workers who provide additional wellbeing support and work to improve the connection between school and home for our students.
Hunter Sports High continues a strong tradition of raising awareness of and commemorating significant dates on the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander calendar including the Anniversary of the Apology, Close the Gap, Harmony Day, Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC Week and Sorry Day.
Staff members continually expand their knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal culture by engaging in professional learning opportunities including programs such as Stronger Smarter, Connecting to Country and Brospeak/Sistaspeak.
Hunter Sports High School is an active and willing participant in local AECG meetings and seeks AECG representation on selection panels and major assemblies. In addition we conduct regular Junior AECG meetings, providing a strong voice for our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students. These meetings provide additional leadership opportunities for Aboriginal students. As part of their role, students report at local AECG meetings, further increasing the connections between the school and the community.
Our Minimbah Parent and Community meetings provide another forum for our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander community while our Minimbah team of more than twenty staff work tirelessly to complete Personlised Learning Plans for all Aboriginal students (including access to tutoring), conduct enrichment and support programs, and celebrate our students at the annual Minimbah Celebration Night which showcases Aboriginal student endeavour.
Our school's Minimbah Room is a cultural hub for the school and is home base for the Aboriginal Education Team. An Aboriginal Education Officer liaises with the Aboriginal Education team whose members comprise teaching staff and School Learning Support Officers (SLSO). The SLSOs provide direct support in the classroom, regular connection with parents and carers, support the development of the Personalised Learning Pathways process, and communicate with staff to support student learning. The school also employs two Youth Workers who provide additional wellbeing support and work to improve the connection between school and home for our students.