In NSW high schools, languages is a key learning area.
Language study allows students to develop communication skills, learn about languages as systems and explore the relationship between language and culture. Students engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of societies and reflect on their understanding of social interactions.
The study of a language is compulsory for 100 hours in one continuous school year from Year 7 to Year 10, but preferably in Years 7 or 8.
In Years 11 and 12, NSW schools offer a wide variety of languages, catering for beginning students to background speakers.
Konnichi wa!
In today's changing world, knowing a second language is becoming increasingly important. Studying a second language can enhance linguistic skills, problem-solving skills and creativity. People with knowledge in a second language can have greater employment opportunities both in Australia and overseas in the areas of trade, tourism, hospitality, banking, finance, technology, education, research, the arts, diplomacy, government, law, media, advertising, translating, interpreting and cuisine.
The study of Japanese language is of particular importance to Australians, both culturally and economically. Japan is one of Australia's leading trading partners and there are significant cultural ties between Australia and Japan. Japanese has been identified as one of the priority languages in the Asia-Pacific region to be taught in Australian schools.
Japanese is taught at Hunter Sports High School by experienced and passionate staff in a supportive learning environment where all students can learn.
Students complete the mandatory hours in Year 7. In this introductory course, students are introduced to the four skills of language; reading, writing, listening and speaking through a series of interesting topics. Students are also introduced to the Japanese culture and enjoy activities such as calligraphy, cooking, sports, games, arts and crafts.
Students then have the opportunity to continue with their Japanese education through electives which are offered in both Years 9 & 10, and Years 11 & 12.
Other fun and educational activities enjoyed by our students are excursions to places such as Japanese restaurants, the movies and Japanese gardens. Students are encouraged and supported to participate in competitions such as the Australia-Japan Relations Essay Contest and Video Matsuri.
We have a Japanese Club which is popular with students. This club meets at lunchtime each week in the language classroom and is attended by students from all years. Club members enjoy a variety of activities including origami, cooking, watching anime, art, craft and celebrating Japanese festivals.
Hunter Sports High School also plays host to visiting Japanese schools. Our students have the opportunity to host Japanese students and/or be involved in fun activities at school. It is always fantastic to hear the students of both countries using their language skills and sharing their cultures.
Hunter Sports High language students took their first trip to Japan in April 2017, providing students with the opportunity to view many places of cultural significance, experience Japanese lifestyle firsthand as well as be able to use their language skills in authentic situations.
Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu