Learning from home refers to the ways schools will maintain teaching and learning in the event of a prolonged school closure or student absence.
In response to the rapidly changing landscape caused by COVID–19, Hunter Sports High School has put together a student online work package to help minimise the impact on student learning and wellbeing.
Hunter Sports High Online Resources
As a priority, students who have existing work or assessments set by their teachers through online platforms such as Google classroom and/or One Note should complete this work as instructed and should attempt to complete assessments by the due date.
Assessment Booklets and set work for specific year groups and learning programs can be found in the links on the menu on the left. The Assessment Booklets will guide you through the assessment required within each faculty. Normal illness and misadventure process should be followed if assessment cannot be completed by the due date. Information regarding this is also found in the assessment booklet.
As a school we have utilised Education Perfect to support learning within the classroom for the past two years. Education Perfect is an online learning platform that can be accessed from any device and each faculty has set work for students. Students can log into Education Perfect via the link:
Many students would already be familiar with their login details. In general student login details are:
- Username: HSHfirstnamelastname
- Password: firstname
- Example: Username: HSHjohnsmith Password: john
If you are unable to access any of the above online learning please contact the School Office on 49435755 to arrange for alternative work to be posted to your home.
Resources and strategies for schools, teachers and parents to support delivery of learning to students who are temporarily unable to attend school are also available from the NSW DET website:
Teaching and Learning Resources
Other digital learning resources